Soon to be held 15th Wood-Technology Conference!

We invite you to join more than 300 participants from EU and SEE countries (owners of leading woodworking companies, technical managers and maintenance department heads, investors, policy makers, academia, technology suppliers, associations etc.), at the important event of wood processing and forestry in Southeast European region (SEE) and discuss the latest business trends, investments, innovative solutions, policies, development challenges and
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Cluster prepares R & D conference in Brussels 30 / 31.01.2018.
On 30th-31st January 2018 a conference on R&D in Southeast European countries will be organized in order to encourage the economy growth and development projects. The Southeast European countries have a great potential in terms of innovations, however, there is a lack of communication and collaboration models between public, R&D, and business sector. Also, there
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Invitation to the Presentation of the EU Project in Ljubljana. Get Involved with FORESDA by Encouraging Innovation and Competitiveness!

Earlier this year started the activities within the international project FORESDA, which aims to transform the traditional forest-based areas into innovative, modern areas and to improve or reconfigure the existing value chains. The project will be implemented in the Danube area, that is 9 partner countries – Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Romania,
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Europe is coming to Kupres on 9 and 10 February!
The 2nd KUPRES 2017 Conference will be held on 9-10 February and will bring together more than 250 leading European experts in the field of forestry and wood processing. Croatian Wood Cluster, as a co-organizer of the conference, used his lobbying position in Brussels, in order to bring the greatest authorities in the field of
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7th Congress of the Sawmill Industry in Slavonski Brod!
7th Cogress of the Sawmill Industry of the Southeast Europe will take place in Slavonski Brod (Croatia) on November 9th, 2016. The Congress will gather representatives of the sawmill industry and forestry, timber traders and technology suppliers from Croatia and the SEE region as well as representatives of state administration, local government units, trade unions and the media.
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Press Conference: Forests and Climate Change, Cascading Use of Wood and Bark Beetle Occurrence
The press conference in the presence of Marijana Petir, MEP, Marijan Kavran, director of the Croatian Wood Cluster and Ivica Tikvić, professor at the Faculty of Forestry will be held on Monday, September 19th, at 11 am in the Westin Hotel. In the introduction Croatian MEP Marijana Petir will present her standpoints regarding better evaluation of the forests in Croatia in relation to European policies to mitigate climate changes.
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Brussels: Conference and Study Visit of Wood Industry and Forestry Representatives from the SE European Countries
Following last year’s successful edition, a conference entitled: Investments in Wood-Processing and Forestry in South East Europe will be held in Brussels on July 12th-13th 2016, in the organization of the Croatian Wood Cluster and main European confederation for the wood woodworking industry CEI-Bois and with the support of Croatian MEP Marijana Petir. Among wood
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Calendar of professional events organized by the croatian Wood cluster
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ADRIATIC WOOD DAYS will be held from October 4th to 9th 2015 in Mlini near Dubrovnik. During six days organizers expect more than 500 participants associated with the wood processing industry and forestry from Croatia, the SEE region and Europe. Adriatic Wood Days (AWD) covers six thematically linked conferences with different programs. It is a
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Improving timber products sales model
In order to achieve the desired progress in the field of the dynamics and quality of raw materials, it is necessary clearly and precisely to articulate proposals and periodically hold Cluster leadership working meetings with the Minister of Agriculture and the Chairman of the Board of Croatian Forests. Topics include the general situation in the
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